Is it senility, disease or normal ageing? Print E-mail
News - Rubrieke
Friday, 19 July 2024 08:00
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We see more of age-related illnesses as veterinary care and nutrition of our pets improve. Canine dementia or senility, properly called canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD), is a syndrome in older dogs characterised by deficits in learning, memory and spatial awareness as well as altered social interactions and sleeping patterns.

For example, some older dogs may suddenly forget all their house training and urinate wherever and whenever, even if there is clear access to the garden.

As owners we often just label these changes as normal ageing, when in fact they can, to some degree, be managed. The prevalence of CCD increases with age regardless of the weight of the dog and is also more prevalent in females. Additionally, certain diseases may also affect the central nervous system causing behavioural changes. These should obviously be diagnosed and managed accordingly.

Behavioural changes associated with CCD fall mainly into five groups:

  • Altered social interaction;
  • Loss of house training;
  • Disorientation;
  • Loss of the sleep-wake cycle; and
  • Changes in physical activity levels.

These can manifest as pacing, circling or aimless wandering, staring at the wall or blankly into space, walking into furniture or walls, getting stuck in corners or behind furniture, going to the hinge side of the door, barking for no reason, failure to recognise people and other pets, difficulty in finding dropped food, standing over the water bowl but not drinking, to mention just a few.

Medical causes of the above symptoms may include brain tumours, hormonal diseases such as an underactive thyroid (usually in large breed dogs) and a pituitary gland tumour which is usually small and only causes Cushing’s Disease, but in some dogs the pituitary tumour is large and presents as a brain tumour.

CCD is characterised by deposits of proteins within the nerves and nerve pathways, which is similar to the plaques deposited in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Normal cell metabolism produces harmful substances called free oxygen radicals. In healthy animals antioxidants neutralise these radicals.

As animals age they produce more free radicals and less anti-oxidant, leading to cell damage caused by the free radicals. This cell damage causes inflammation and, in the brain, the deposition of the amyloid protein responsible for impairment of function.

Although there is no successful treatment for CCD, signs can be delayed with diet, behavioural and pharmacological treatment. Mental stimulation in the early stages is essential (Sudoku for dogs!) and may delay clinical progression. Punishment for lapses in normal behaviour is contra-indicated as this will cause more anxiety for the pet.

Specialised diets rich in anti-oxidants may decrease the rate of progression and even improve cognitive function and may also have a protective effect. The premium diets senior care range has added anti-oxidants.

Neutraceutals containing anti-oxidants have also shown a benefit. Certain drugs have also been prescribed in an attempt to improve dullness, lethargy and overall demeanour and may increase willingness to exercise and exercise tolerance.

So, before you think that Cuddles is senile and you have to live with it, have her checked out and discuss the above-mentioned options with your veterinarian. You may still get a few happy normal years out of her.


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