Biological control released on pompom Print E-mail
News - Ons Omgewing
Friday, 12 December 2014 13:34
Untitled Document

The Cullinan Conservancy released a thrips insect, Liothrips tractabilis, for the biological control of pompom weed.

The insect was released with the assistance of the biological control officer from Working for Water in selected sites within the conservancy.

Ilome Lessing, biological control officer, attaching infected specimens onto active growing plants

Pompom thrips nymphs and adults feed on the stems and leaf tissues at the apical shoot tips of the weed. This causes deformities in the plant growth, which reduces its height and biomass, as well as flower production. The thrips have the greatest impact on seedlings or new spring growth.

The pompom weed

Over the next two years the selected sites will be monitored by members of the conservancy and the biological control officer. It is hoped to establish a breeding colony, which can then supply other areas.

“This is a first for our area, and my Christmas present,” said Joan-Louise du Toit from the Cullinan Conservancy.


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