Dr Liesel van der Merwe is a small animal medicine
specialist. Send her your
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Dr Liesel van der Merwe
Cancer is becoming more
common in our pets as they
are living longer and veterinarians
are learning more every day
in how to diagnose these conditions.
Animals present with the
same tumours found in humans and
the characteristics are also very similar.
In general, cancer is more common
in older animals but some forms
have a predilection for younger animals
as well. In the majority of situations
we do not know what causes
cancer. Some, such as skin cancer,
are obviously related to lack of pigmentation
and sun exposure, being
common on the ear tips and nose of
white cats and the tummy of white
dogs (fox terriers, Bull terriers and
Staffordshires being common).
As an owner you may see an obvious
lump developing in or under
the skin, or you may present your
dog or cat for a seemingly unrelated
symptom and be confronted with a
diagnosis of cancer.
It is important to realise that not all
cancers (malignancies or neoplasia
being synonyms) are equal. Some
grow slowly and do not really
spread to other organs. These cancers
are classified as having a more
benign behaviour. Cancers with a
malignant behaviours can either be
very rapid growing and invasive at
their initial site or they may spread
rapidly to other organs such as the
lungs, liver and spleen.
Tumours will initially spread to the
local glands, which in proper terms
are called lymph nodes. The progression
of cancer is more rapid in
pets than in humans, as their lifespan
is shorter.
The veterinarian’s first responsibility
once he suspects a tumour is to try
to identify the type of cancer and
also to see how big it is and how far
it has spread. This process is called
staging and each type of tumour has
different criteria by which this classification
is made.
The prognosis and best treatment
option depend on how the tumour
is staged and this allows both you
and your veterinarian to make an
informed decision on whether to
treat or euthanize your pet, and
which treatment protocol is likely to
give the best results.
In some situations surgical removal
of the tumour is all that is required,
in others only chemotherapy or
radiation therapy is required, and
some will require both surgical
removal as well as additional therapies.
In many treatment situations
the aim is remission and not cure.
Chemotherapy conjures up awful
images for most owners, as they
have seen people undergo treatment.
Veterinarians will use many of
the same drugs used for humans to
treat pets, but the dosages are less
and the regimens less intense.
In general there are very few side
effects to chemotherapy in veterinary
patients. Sometimes patients
are a little nauseous for one or two
days after treatment, but more serious
side effects are extremely rare.
Owners who elect chemotherapy
have to be emotionally prepared to
live with the ever present threat of
disease progression and also have to
be dedicated to vet visits for treatments
and check-ups for blood
counts and other monitoring
Basically the aim should be to prolong
life if possible without causing
any suffering or pain for your pet,
and in some situations where cancer
is diagnosed this may be possible.
Some common cancers in our pets
include the following:
- Lymphoma (gland cancer) -
amenable to treatment with good
remission rates in many cases.
- Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) –
common in large breed dogs and
is very malignant, needing amputation
and chemotherapy.
- Mammary tumours - sterilisation
before the second heat, even
before the first heat, dramatically
decreases the incidence.
Approximately half are very malignant.
- Squamous cell carcinoma (skin
cancer) – a locally recurrent, invasive,
sun-induced cancer.
Treatment includes surgical resection,
local chemotherapy and
- Mast cell tumours - these skin
nodules range from benign to very
- Haemangiosarcoma (splenic
tumour) - especially common in
German Shepherd dogs. No real
effective treatment but removal of
the spleen is palliative for about
three to six months.