Is this your brave little Yorkie? Print E-mail
News - Artikels
Thursday, 25 September 2014 18:28
Untitled Document

Petro Lemmer

A concussed Yorkie found on the grass verges of the N4 highway might have jumped from a car window. Because he probably lost consciousness after the impact with the road, he could not react when his owner searched and called for him.

While travelling east from Pretoria along the N4 in the vicinity of Hazeldean homestead on Saturday afternoon, 30 August, my eye caught a slight movement in the grass of the road reserve near the farm fence.

The colour and shape of the unidentified object looked very like that of a Yorkshire terrier. After stopping and slowly reversing in the grass of the road reserve, we saw that indeed, it was a small Yorkie, intertwined in the dried grass blades and weakly struggling to get out.

My daughter Ronéll carefully picked up the tiny creature, which looked as if its back was broken and brought it to the car. The little animal was just skin and bones and must have been without food and water for a very long time.

Petro Lemmer and dr Lanina Moos with the Yorkie

With the dog lying limp on Ronéll’s lap, she wetted her finger with some left-over soy milk we had in the car and we were gratified when the tiny thing licked the milk off her finger and then gave a tentative kick with its hind legs, showing its back was not broken. In this way Ronéll fed it about a teaspoon full of the liquid.

We realized that the animal needed veterinary care as soon as possible. We drove to the closest veterinary consulting room, but as it was after 12h00, they were already closed, as was the next consulting room we tried.

I then phoned dr Lanina Moos, who has a practice in Silverton, and asked whether I could bring the dog to her. Upon arrival, and after a quick, but very thorough examination, dr Moos, who is also the veterinarian for Wet Nose Animal Rescue Centre, inserted a drip in the Yorkie’s leg. The next day, Sunday, this brave little dog was so much better that he started eating and drinking.
We keep wondering how this pedigreed miniature Yorkie ended up in the grasses of the N4 road verge.

The Yorkie that was entangled in grass next to the N4 highway

He sported a very colourful body harness as well as a collar around his neck, so he cannot be an abandoned animal. Somebody must have loved him dearly.

I phoned the owners of Hazeldean farm, but they didn’t know of anybody in the vicinity who has or had a Yorkie. Also, the dog could have wandered away from a house in the Silver Lakes area, but this meant miles of walking through extremely rough terrain.

Dr Moos found that the dog, a male estimated to be about four years old, had concussion as well as two broken canines and we therefore think that he may have jumped out of a vehicle driving along the N4. This little animal was completely emaciated and dehydrated and probably survived only by licking the dew off the grasses that held him prisoner.

If he belongs to you, call dr Moos at 012-804-5603 or 082-559-8873.


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