Het jy gehoor? / Have you heard? - Mar2023 Print E-mail
News - Het Jy Gehoor
Thursday, 16 March 2023 10:35
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Jakkie Louw se populêre poppekas, ‘Felias en Pokkel’, is op 21 Maart om 10 vm terug by Atterbury-teater met die tweede Jaco Jacobs boek in die reeks – ‘Die Tandemuis kry ’n blaaskans’. Daar is ’n Tandemuis wat net soos Elvis Presley lyk, Eeeejonkie Donkie, wat ’n donkie-liedjie sing, en die oulike stoute muis-boeties, Felias en Pokkel. Die vraag is of Patat die kat hulle kan vang. Borsel Vrottie Kokkerottie sy tande? Waar kruip Chris die Verkleurmannetjie dié keer weg? Kaartjies kos R130. Die teater is in Daventrystraat 4, Lynnwood Manor. Stuur ’n e-pos na This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it of This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


The Pretoria Gin Festival 2023 is on Saturday 25 March from 12 noon to 10 pm at Fire And Wine Venue on the Boschkop Road, plot 43, Zwavelpoort. Guests can expect some of the finest gin in the country, amazing food trucks and live entertainment. General access tickets cost R220 and include a complimentary gin cocktail on arrival. No under 18’s. Camp chairs and picnic blankets are welcome, but no food or beverages may be brought into the event venue. Phone the organizers at 083-413-1666.


Die volgende Fijnwyn kos en wynfeeste is Fancy Fijnwyn op 20 Maart van 4 nm tot 9 nm (R450 toegang) en Fijnwyn Bubbles op 21 Maart van 10 vm tot 5 nm (R195 toegang) by Shokran, plot 99, Luiperdstraat, Tierpoort. Behalwe wynproe, kan besoekers smul aan disse by die kosmark terwyl hulle kyk na optredes van musiekkunstenaars. Fijnwyn vier sy tiende verjaardag met ’n fees op 27 en 29 April. Kaartjies vir 27 April (van 10 vm tot 5 nm) kos R195. Kaartjies vir 29 April (10 vm tot
9 nm) kos R230. Alle kaartjies sluit ’n glas en wynproe in. Skakel 082-335-5659 of stuur ’n e-pos: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Kaartjies is by iTickets.co.za beskikbaar.


The Asher’s Autumn Market is on 2 April from 9 am to 3 pm at plot 37 Tweedraght on the Boschkop Road. There will be stalls including food, baked goodies, health care products, clothing, jewellery and pet products as well as entertainment for children, live music by American Country singer, Dean Chancy, and tours of the farm to meet the resident animals. Entrance is free and proceeds go to the animals. For info send an e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


‘Staan sterk in Afrikaans’ word op 15 April om 6 nm by die AfriForum-teater aangebied. Dié jaarlikse musiekkonsert word deur onafhanklike kunstenaars in die Afrikaanse musiekbedryf saamgestel om hulle taal te vereer en ’n gevoel van samesyn te skep. Kaartjies kos R150. Bespreek by afriforumteater.co.za. Die teater is in die Greenlyn Village-sentrum op die hoek van Thomas Edison en 13de Straat, Menlopark.


Wet Nose Animal Rescue Centre has a sleepathon challenge on 1 April. This is a great opportunity to give the furry buddies some love and experience the life of a kennel dog for a full 24 hours. Pamper them with cuddles, run the agility course, give them a bath and groom and relax with a picnic. Challengers must be over the age of 18 or accompanied by a legal guardian. Arrival time is
9 am and you may walk your dog during your stay, but all dogs have to be back in their kennels by
7 pm. You must walk your dog on the Sunday morning between 8 am and 10 am so that the kennel staff can clean the kennels. The registration fee is R400 and the closing date for registration is
22 March. Booking can be done at 068-328-3121.


Die Pretoria Buitelug Ekspo en Fees is van 29 April tot 1 Mei by Legends Avontuurplaas, Rhino Park op die R515. Fees-ure is die Saterdag van 9 vm tot 10 nm, Sondag van 8 vm tot 6 nm en Maandag van 8 vm tot 6 nm. Besoekers kan uitsien na ’n buitelewe ekspo, vliegtuie, ’n vee-uitstalling, OCSA hoenderskou, trekkers en implemente, ‘vintage’ trekkers en enjins, proteas, ’n tuinskou, mallemeule, kameelritte, ponieritte en miniatuur perdjies, ’n fotohoekie, tandem valskermspronge, motors en ’n museumuitstalling. Daar is ook ’n musiekfees, verskeie kraampies, volop te ete, twee biertente, ’n kuns- en wyntent en gratis trekkerritte vanaf die parkeerterrein tot by die feesterrein. Kaartjies se pryse is goedkoper met vroeë aankope en is beskikbaar by pretoriafees.co.za/kaartjies/. Vir verdere navrae, stuur ’n e-pos: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Cullinan Conservancy is organising a Harvest Thanksgiving Service on 26 March at 10 am at Casablanca Manor, plot 121 Stamvrug Road, Donkerhoek. Join them in celebrating the new harvest from local farmers. A tea garden is available afterwards. Donations of non-perishable foods will be given to SA Cares Home in Cullinan. Phone Casablanca at 082-772-9983 or send an e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


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