Het jy gehoor? / Have you heard? - Nov2020 Print E-mail
News - Het Jy Gehoor
Saturday, 14 November 2020 08:19
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Op Sondag 6 Desember vanaf 6 vm is daar ‘n 25 km avontuurresies deur Addicted2Adventure en Kinetic Events by die Cowhouse Mark in Hazeldean Valley. Dit sluit 17 km se fietsry, 6 km draf en
2 km se kajak-ry in. Die koste is R700 vir ‘n span van twee of R1 400 vir ‘n span van vier. Stuur ‘n e-pos: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , of bel Joléne by 083-641-8081 of Thinus by 078-457-1026.


Die Nickel Kersmark is van 25 November tot 6 Desember van 9 vm tot 6 nm. Nickel Kersmark is vernoem na die Paul Jungnickelhuis, ‘n afdeling van Kungwini Welsynsorganisasie (KWO) op Zwavelpoort, en dien as ‘n platform om produkte, wat in KWO se beskermde werkswinkel gemaak word, ten toon te stel. Dié jaarlikse mark, wat sy 20ste verjaardag vier, is ‘n fondsinsamelingsprojek vir die organisasie en daar is vanjaar meer as 200 uitstallers met iets vir almal, van speelgoed tot eksklusiewe dekorprodukte en ‘n restourant en teetuin. Die adres is plot 214, Lynnwoodweg-verlenging. Skakel 012-940-0221 of stuur ‘n e-pos: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


The year-end “Mystery Ghost Jaunt” will run on 14 November in Cullinan and boasts an array of stories; poltergeist tales; exotic and haunted buildings; dowsing rods audience participation; an old abandoned hospital (mortuary included); and the Lantern Lady (who is guaranteed to appear at the old railway station). You will even download ghost hunting apps onto your cell phone. The jaunt begins at St George’s Church venue, where you can eat and drink to really get into the ‘spirit’ of things and ends with a thrilling visual climax at a historical cemetery with the most intriguing graves. All details can be found at www.MysteryGhostProductions.co.za.  


KragDag is van 3 tot 5 Desember van 9 vm tot 4 nm. Deur interaktiewe uitstallings, produkdemonstrasies en opvoedkundige lesings en aanbiedings het besoekers die geleentheid om inligting te bekom, selfbehoudoplossings beter te verstaan en beter toegerus te word om die regte besluite te neem. Daar is ‘n opvoedkundige sub-ekspo en landbou sub-ekspo in samewerking met TLU SA. Solidariteit Helpende Hand hou ook ‘n Omgee-mark. Hekgeld is R100 per volwassene (kinders tot 18 gaan gratis in), maar deur vooraf te registreer kry jy 100% afslag. Vanjaar maak Sakeliga KragDag voorsiening vir 500 uitstallers op die 4,6 hektaar ekspo terrein. Die ekspo is by Diamantvallei Landgoed op Rhenosterfontein. Skakel 087-231-1644.


Die volgende Sinkhuismark is op 14 November van 10 vm tot 3 nm in Rossstraat 32, Cullinan. Jy kan per e-pos by This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it navraag doen of gaan kyk na die Sinkhuismark se Facebook-blad.


Nataniël se jaarlikse Desember-opvoering is van 1 tot 5 Desember om 8 nm en Sondag
6 Desember om 3 nm by Atterbury-teater. Vanjaar is die produksie se naam ‘Butterfly’ en Nataniël sing nuwe en ou liedjies in skouspelagtige uitrustings, geskep deur Floris Louw. Kaartjies kos R275. Die teater is in Daventrystraat 4, Lynnwood. Skakel 012-942-5951.


The Centre for Entrepreneurship at the University of Pretoria (UP) has launched a National SMME Support Portal (NSSP) to support and enhance small business continuity during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The portal offers free professional services and resources online and more than 320 professionals are already offering their specialised services for free on a weekly basis. Professor Alex Antonites from the Centre for Entrepreneurship said they felt it was important to contribute towards the efforts to rescue the country’s economy. The SMME portal is proudly hosted and developed by the Department of Library Services’ Digital Systems and Services Unit. The portal can be accessed by any registered SMME in South Africa. Visit smmeportal.up.ac.za.


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