Het jy gehoor? / Have you heard? - Jul 2011 Print E-mail
News - Het Jy Gehoor
Saturday, 23 July 2011 00:24
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Een van die Bronberg-gebied se bekendste en bemindste inwoners, Faan Smuts, sterk aan ná ‘n omvattende hartoperasie. Die operasie is in die Wilgers Hospitaal gedoen. Faan en Issie Smuts was jare lank die eienaars van die Bronberg Lodge, nou Bronberg Wynlandgoed, en het onlangs in ‘n nuwe woning op hulle Zwavelpoort-plot ingetrek.


Ons hoor dat die mense van Die Stasie restaurant op Cullinan nou Nico en Lynette Breytenbach se plek gaan volstaan by Kitty Hawk se klubhuis-restaurant. Blykbaar is die lughawe se beheerraad besig om ‘n bemarkingsplan daarvoor op te stel en hopelik lees julle binnekort al die besonderhede daarvan in ‘n promosiestuk in Die Bronberger.


Books are wanted for the Pretoria High School for Girls Spring Fair. Any fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, dictionaries and textbooks will be appreciated. Contact Debbie at 083-310-3747 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Bronbergers raak nou net mooi keelvol vir plakkate langs paaie wat nie ná ‘n fees, mark of troue verwyder word nie. Op die hoek van die Boschkop-pad en Lynnwoodweg-verlenging is daar ‘n plakkaat van een of ander wintermark wat reeds ‘n maand gelede verby is en verskeie troue-plakkate met man en vrou se name op. Wie het dié plakkate opgesit en wie dink hulle gaan die goed weer afhaal?


Wet Nose Animal Rescue Centre will have a Homeless Animals Day on 27 August from 9 am. This is the day when you get the opportunity to adopt one of their dogs for a few hours, take it for a walk, spoil it rotten and have a fun-filled family day. There will be dog shows, horses, craft stalls, a Little Mr and Miss Wet Nose competition, lots of food and a beer garden with a big screen for the rugby fans. A few animals which have overcome extreme difficulties, will visit Wet Nose for the day with their new owners to receive their rehabilitation awards. Wet Nose is on plot 75, Vaalbank on the old Bronkhorstspruit Road. For more information phone them at 013-932-3941/2.


A nationwide survey, conducted among pharmacists showed that a staggering nine out of ten people now choose to self medicate seasonal ailments such as flu and allergies with over the counter (OTC) medicines rather than making a doctor their first stop. The study cites high medical aid and general healthcare costs, the ongoing economic slump and a proliferation of access to health information on the Internet, among the key contributing factors driving self medication.


Strelitzia Toastmasters meet every second and fourth Thursday at 8.30 for 9 am at the Oostvallei Retirement Village. Everybody is welcome. Contact Debbie at 083-310-3747.


Ons hoor die erge probleem wat die polisie op Cullinan gehad het oor hulle kantore in die polisiestasie onhoudbaar warm word, is vir eers iets van die verlede. Nee, blykbaar is niks uit owerheidsweë gedoen om die stomme polisiemanne en -vroue se werkplek af te koel nie en na verwagting sal die probleem ná dié koue winter weer opvlam.


Die Bronberg se landelike gebied het sy nuwe munisipale owerheid in Pretoria laat besluit om nou ‘n ‘uitvoerende amptenaar’ gemoeid met landbou aan te stel. Wat ons eie landboubaas presies gaan doen, is nog nie duidelik nie.


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