Inspect your property’s valuation Print E-mail
News - Aktueel
Tuesday, 28 February 2017 04:29
Untitled Document

The municipal property valuation roll for the period 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020 is open for inspection until 19 May.

According to the revenue management division of the City of Tshwane’s group financial services department, any person who wishes to lodge an objection to this roll can do so by contacting the city manager.

The objection must refer to a specific individual property and not against the valuation roll as such. The lodging of an objection does not defer liability for payment of rates.

The valuation roll as well as the prescribed forms for lodging objections are available at No objections will be considered by the municipal valuer or the valuation appeal board after 19 May.

Completed forms must be submitted to City of Tshwane, property valuation section, BKS Building, 6th floor, room 615 or to PO Box 2067, Pretoria, 0001.

For more information contact: Sherry Hendriks at 012-358-8377 or SherryH@tshwane;; Tanya Abbott at 012-358-5081 or TanyaA2@tshwane;; or Letticia Tshuto at 012-358-8343 or LetticiaR@tshwane;



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