High-density housing planned for Zwavelpoort Print E-mail
News - Aktueel
Tuesday, 26 July 2016 05:29
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A new residential development, Bronberg X28, is proposed for Zwavelpoort. This high-density development will be located on portion 58 (a portion of portion two) in Achilles Street, near the T-Junction with Saal Street.

The draft environmental impact assessment report for this development is available for comment and review at the environmental consultant website, http://leapenviro.co.za, until 30 July.

The report has been submitted to the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development by Leap’s dr Gwen Theron on behalf of Ankara (Pty) Ltd, Andre van der Merwe.

The property is situated on the slopes and ridge of the Bronberg between Zwavelpoort and Olympus, directly next to the future K54 provincial road, which passes through the northern quadrant of the property.

The site where residential development is proposed

The 13, 3684 ha property falls within zone six, where properties with a density of up to 60 units per hectare had been approved. Figures in the report show a projected town planning layout which will result in 215 new homes: On erf one (2,62 ha) at a density of 60 units per hectare, which will result in 150 units; and on erf two (2,6 ha) at a density of 25 units per hectare, which will result in 65 units.

The other erven will be used for services, access and access control, internal roads, a public road and a vacant stand which will later be used by Gautrans/Sanral for the proposed K54 provincial road.

According to neighbouring Zwavelpoort residents the area, zoned as agricultural unspecified, does not have the infrastructure to deal with the addition of yet another high-density development.

Michele van der Westhuizen, from Friends of the Bronberg, said that there are golden moles all over this property, yet they don’t feature in the report. “Please assist and stand up for the moles and the rest of the threatened and endangered ecosystem,” Michele said.

The report states that no sensitive habitat or plant and animal species were found on the site, which is mostly made up of alien invasive and pioneer weedy plant species. The site consists of existing residential houses and transformed planted pastures as well as degraded foot and midslopes, which no longer comprise the natural Andesite mountain bushveld and have limited conservation or biodiversity value, according to the report.

“No threatened floral, faunal or invertebrate species or any sensitive habitats for such species were observed on the site.”

The site location in Zwavelpoort

According to the report no evidence of foraging (shallow subsurface tunnels) or nesting activities of Juliana’s golden mole were noted. The report states that much of the habitat of this critically endangered mole has been dramatically altered and degraded due to urbanization and high-density housing developments along the Bronberg ridge. Quartzite mining operations also threaten to destroy the sole remaining dispersal corridor between eastern and western subpopulations.

Comments on the report can be sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or fax: 086-606-6130


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