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Het Jy Gehoor
Thursday, 15 December 2022 07:41 |
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Die Kersmark by Ludwig’s Rose se roosplaas is aan tot 22 Desember, daagliks van 8 vm tot 4 nm. Daar is kraampies met verskeie produkte, insluitende Kersgeskenke, ’n uitstalling-styl mark, Hazeldean boetiekbier en Wilderer jenewer, ligte etes en ’n speelplek vir kinders. Die plaas is op Haakdoornlaagte 61, langs die N1-noord snelweg. Skakel 012-544-0144.

There’s a Christmas Vintage and Wine market at 103 Oak Avenue, Cullinan on Sunday
18 December from 9 am to 4 pm. Guests can look forward to festive gourmet food, Christmas shopping, vintage goods, antiques, a jumping castle, Santa and a special Christmas tree. Entrance is R50 and a wine or gin tasting is R80, including entrance and a tour through the McHardy House Museum. Wine and gin tasting together is R150. You can book a couples Christmas basket at R500. Book at Maudie: 071-154-2401.

Op soek na ’n plattelandse kuierplek-in-die-oopte waar jy die Nuwejaar saam met vriende kan ingaan? Die Boskombuis is oop op Oujaarsaand, 31 Desember, vir kuier en dans. ’n Kontant-kroeg en etes sal beskikbaar wees. Hulle is op plot 65, Donkerhoek, naby die N4-Oos-snelweg. Doen navraag by Renee: 083-485-2529 of
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For many, the festive season is a time that brings financial stress and family issues to the surface, leading to an increase in anxiety, depression, loneliness and domestic violence. These issues can lead to an increase in the suicide rate. That is why The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) runs its toll-free help lines 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout December, including on Christmas day and New Year, to help the thousands of people who need support, counselling and crisis intervention during this difficult time. The suicide crisis line number is: 0800-567-567. Visit www.sadag.org.

Die Cullinan Boeremark se Kersmark is van 16 tot 18 Desember van 12 uur tot 8 nm op die hoek van Oaklaan en die R513. Kersliedjies gaan by kerslig opgevoer word en kraampies bied tuisgemaakte geskenke, kuns en handwerk en vele te ete en drinke. Bel Danie Booysen by 082-926-4326.

Inskrywings vir die ATKV-Tienertoneel, ATKV-DigiToneel en ATKV-Tjokkertoneel is amptelik oop. Met dié drie kompetisies wil die ATKV ’n smeltkroes bied waarin jong teatertalent hulle vaardighede kan ontwikkel en slyp. Vir meer inligting besoek www.atkv.org.za of bel JJ van Niekerk, projekorganiseerder, by 076-391-3414.

Stef Bos tree op 19 en 20 Januarie om 7 nm op by die Atterbury-teater in Daventrystraat 4, Lynnwood Manor. Die vertrekpunt is sy nuwe CD, ‘Bitterlief’. Kaartjies kos R260. Stuur ’n e-pos na
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