Breytie Breytenbach
Razor wire fences are more effective
in stopping criminals than electrified
fences. That is what researchers
have found out from convicted
housebreakers. A thief does not
want to get hurt. Razor wire is difficult
to deal with because of the
very sharp razors.
The researcher in this case is Dr Rudolph
Zinn, senior lecturer at
Unisa. He interviewed a number of convicts for the sake of acquiring crime intelligence.
I am told that razor wire cannot be
cut unless one uses a grinder or
other specialised equipment. Even
then one will have to wear good
quality leather gloves. However,
not all people in the security field
agree with this finding. Schalk
Burger of EHL Security Solutions in
Faerie Glen said that one cannot
rate a razor wire fence better then
an electric one because both have
His experience is that a combination
of more than one kind of
obstacle works best to keep robbers
away from your house. One
such combination I have heard
about is placing razor wire directly
behind a precast wall. Apparently it
is easy to break a slab or two in a
section of such a wall. Razor wire
on the other side will form an unpleasant
surprise for the intruder.
Another combination is a wall with
electric fencing on top, or razor
Eugene Strydom of Community
Patrols sited an example where a
concrete slab at the bottom of an
electric fence prevents digging a
hole to crawl through. He added
that the effectiveness of electrified
fences very much depends on the
quality of the installation work and
of the maintenance. It is something
that has to be inspected regularly.
Such a fence without an alarm is
not highly effective. The alarm
alerts you when someone fiddles
with the fence.
Schalk agreed with what the Boschkop
Police commissioner said at
the last CPF public meeting - a seethrough
fence is better than a solid
wall. A palissade fence is a case in
point. However, palissades can be
cut or forced open. Again it depends
on the quality of material
and workmanship.
The fact is that criminals don’t want
to be observed and feel safer jumping
a wall. So, how safe is it really
inside a security complex where
solid walls seem to be pretty much
the norm?
The determined criminal will probably
not be stopped by any fence.
However, an effective fence can
give you time to contact somebody
for help. The deal situation is to
have a way of being informed
when the criminal tries to enter.
The positioning of lights is important.
You don’t need a light at your
door where the thief can see you
coming out of the house. You need
a light that floods the fence.
However, some people believe that
a light at the door is better because
a criminal will not try to get in
through that door. Others are convinced
one should have no lights
so that criminals cannot watch your
movements or the whereabouts of
your dogs.
At the end we have more questions
than answers. But lives are at stake
and we will have to find a decent
answer. Personal experience is
most valuable. This is a topic we
can discuss on our community
forum on The Bronberger’s website
at . If you
can share your experience and
some real answers about fences,
you will help others a great deal.
For more information, contact
Breytie Breytenbach at 012-802-1532. |